What We Offer

Why Choose Us

Business Incubation & Setting up

Vital inputs are needed at the incubation stage to ensure the seed takes roots and grows

Start-up/Early Stage Companies Handholding

Every startup during its initial phase requires hand-holding from experts, who have grown companies over decades.

Business Transformation

Change management is the key to transforming a business before it enters its decline stage.

Engineering Solutions

Technical solutions can become the key to organizational growth and profitability.

Strategy Development

Every business is unique hence every business requires a unique business strategy.  At Midas, we have both the knowledge and experience, having been in the business for decades. Every function requires a different strategy depending on the environment in which it operates.  We provide strategic inputs for all functions of business including Finance, Marketing, Operations, Sourcing, Logistics and Human Resources.

Our qualified and experienced consultants sit together with the client team to ideate and generate inputs that would ultimately crystalise the strategic plan.  This process of plan development is essential for stakeholders to contribute, execute, and claim ownership of the plan.

Every plan is valuable only if its execution is precise.  Midas consultants keenly supervise plan execution and provide timely inputs for course correction whenever required. The execution stage is crucial for the ultimate success of the strategic plan.

More than 150 Years
of Cumulative Experience

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